Wow... I am so totally flattered! Leah... thank you so much for this Friendship Blog Award! I have enjoyed getting to know you through our blogs and think you are an amazing person! You are always so cheerful and funny! Your brighten my day more than you know!
As I have mentioned to you before, this blog has been such a great retreat for me and a place for me to regain my sanity these past few months!! :) My husband is gone all week (working in Texas) and only home on the weekends (in Indiana). We are getting the house ready to sell/move and I am managing the kids and house without him most of the time on top of working full time. When the kids go to bed, I stay in my office for hours playing with my scrapbooking. But the best part comes when I get to share it with everyone and hear all the kind, encouraging words in return! I have to give a shout out to the ladies at Stuck On U Sketches. I was visiting your site one day when I saw all the amazing LOs you were doing and all the wonderful things you were saying to each other! It made me want to jump right in and have fun too... So I did! That is when I started my blog! Thank you for letting me in... and being so kind! No matter what the LO looks like, all of you always find something positive to say about it! Now that is a good friend!! LOL!!
Now for the 10 things that knock my socks off:
1. God - He has been so faithful and good to us this year!
2. My amazing husband... he treats me like a princess and constantly lets me know how loved I am!
3. My beautiful, healthy children! (Who I like most days! Remember - 3 of them are teenagers!)
4. My parents...amazing giving people with hearts of gold! (Who currently are in New Orleans building homes for Habitat for Humanity!)
5. My Little Sis! She is my best friend and I am sooooo lucky to have her in my life!
6. My girlfriends! Always keeping me laughing and sane!
7. Chocolate! Really?! Is there a better reward you can give yourself!?!
8. Diet Pepsi! I can not survive without the stuff! Caffeine is my friend!!!!!
9. Maui.... really wish I was there right now... watching the whales jumping... walking on the beach... snorkling by Black Rock.... do I need to say more?!!
10. Scrapbooking!
Now... on to three others.... I would like to award this friendship award to...
1. Kaye - You were the first one to join my blog... thank you for that!
2. Sheila - I know you received it from Sandy... but I want you to know that i really appreciate all of your kind words and the amazing blog candy you give away!
3. ScrappinLil - I know you don't really know me, but I am glad we have started to follow each other's blogs... I look forward to getting to know you better.
Now... all of you ladies need to list the 10 things that knock your socks off and pass this award on to three more people!
You are sooo sweet, thank you. I have enjoyed watching your site grow. And it will continue to do so as you are a talented lady with her heart in the right place.
Now I have lots of work to do... as I need to pass this wonderful award on. I will let you know when I post. Thanks again!
No one deserves this more than you...you are so kind and kreative...loved reading your wonderful list...so much fun to learn a little bit more about each other!
Wow..thank you for the award....and I will be sure to pass this one..TFS
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