Okay, rules for this award are:
1. Link back to the person who gave you the award (Crystal at Crafting for Caitlyn)
2. Post where you would like to be in 10 years3. Give this award to 10 awesome bloggers
Well, in ten years I would like to be settled into a new home in Dallas (I would like to make this one move and then stay put for a bit!!) I would also like to be settled in to a new church, have many new friends, and maybe even be a grandparent!! (Courtney is twenty already so that is a very real possibility... even though I still think I will be too young 10 years from now!!!) LOL!! Our plan also is for my husband to retire around this time so that we can travel a lot!!!
Now... on to the 10 people I would like to share this award with... all of which have fabulous blogs and I draw a ton of inspiration from!!!
Leah at Beeing Creative and Feeling Cherry
Sandy at Details by Sandy
Beatriz at Amazing Grace
Jocelyn at Simply Me
Lidia at Breaking Barriers
Tina at Bits and Scraps of My Life
Sasya at Hand-made by Sasya
Angi at Cokie Pop Paper Boutique
Fern at Fern's Creations
Jessica at Mountain Mommy Scrapper
Thanks again Crystal for sending this award my way!! And for all my blog buddies... sorry I have been a little MIA this week... been home sick and then my hubby was in town because he had to have his Lasik tweaked.. and we all know just how needy our men can be... but it has left me with very little time on the computer the last few days!! I will try to catch up over the next few days!!
Barb :)
Oh you're soooo sweet, Barb!!! I was over here blog hopping and saw this!! Thank you sooo much!! XXXX
Have a wonderful day!!!!
Congratulations on you new award and thank you for sharing it with me! Isn't this blog world amazing???? It sure brightens our days! May God give you the desires of your heart for your life today and ten years from now. Happy Thursday my sweet friend!
Congratulations on your award.
Awww thanks Barb. I check out your blog often and saw this sweet surprise today. Thanks so much. It's nice to meet wonderful people through blogging :-)
Congrats on your award..
Hugs, Linda
CCongrats... so sweet!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) Hope you can come play in my challenge this week!!!
Oh thank you so much for this award...I will post it sometime next week!!! Thanks for the sweet comment and thinking of me!!!
Have a great weekend!!!
Barb...you are so sweet to pass the sweetness on to me...esp since I have been the baddest blogger ever lately.....so sorry about that....congrats to you for this....it is so well deserved.....I loved reading about your 10 year plan...sounds like a good one...tho i agree, you will be the youngest gramma ever!!! I'm going to have to think about the 10 year thing....will get this posted and passed asap!!!!thanx for being you!!!! (yay....only 2 weeks left for me)
I hope all your dreams of moving and finding a church you love there come to pass.
Well I haven't been around as much either this week (what's up w/ this week?)...really how cute are you? I think my favorite things about these awards is just reading more about everyone! So, 10 years, retirement and grandkids! I like it! First stop on your trip, California!!! ;o)
Love ya lots! Leah
Ohh, Barb, thanks a lot!!! i'm so happy to receive this award from you~!! :)
Aww thanks hon! You are so sweet! Sorry I have been MIA for a while, we are getting our butts kicked with colds/allergies!
BTW those flowers you made are GORGEOUS!!!!! I love how textured and dimensional they are!
Barb thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you are so sweet a generous ! I appreciate your friendship sweetie, I will post it soon , I have a few awards to post but I will do it when I have my next project ready, I have been a little bit lazy to scrap !! lol but I have some ideas in mind :)
God bless you Barb and congratulations for this amazing award!!!
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