Friday, November 5, 2010

Another Fabulous Friday!

Boy do we have the challenge for you this week at Frosted Designs!! We are challenging you to get out all of those oversized photos... you know the ones... 5 x 7, 8 x 10,... and use them on a layout! You don't want to do a layout?! That's fine with us... make a card or some other altered project!! I did!! Here is the acrylic mini album I am working on from Lauren's birthday party!
I had never realized how difficult it was to photograph acrylic albums until I tried to do this one!! In the photo it all looks like a jumbled mess!! But irl... it is actually pretty cool! The top layer only has a few things on it.... some rhinestones, a heart with wings and part of the title. The second page has the group photo from the party (Aren't they cute playing their guitars they made at the party!!) I added some stickles to the flourishes and the flower paper clip, added the cute little butterfly charm and the rest of the title!! Behind that, I have other papers that back other photos!! The tabs on the right side highlight the things Lauren loved best about her party! One is "hugs" since every single girl hugged her about 80 times each!! (this was right before we moved so everyone was a little more clingy than normal!! lol!!) The next tab was "crazy fun!" because I have some of the silliest pictures of Lauren and her friends!! And the last tab says "rockin it!" because they divided themselves up into groups to perform a music act for the rest of the girls!! and of course, trophies were given to the winners!! I would love to show you the inside, but I don't have all the photos printed yet! Oh well... maybe another day!! heehee!!

And this is the part that is the hardest.... Look at how sweet Lauren was just a few years ago.....

Yep... that is really her!! Looking all sweet and innocent!! Gotta love her!! I just couldn't help but do a LO for this weeks challenge too!! I found this quote that I thought was just perfect for this sweet photo! I layered the title over the photo since the picture was so large!! I planted a little garden at the bottom that also overlapped the photo!! Ohhhh.... I really wish she could have stayed this age forever!! I LOVED this age!!
Well, now that you have seen what I have created, be sure to stop by Frosted Designs and check out what our other fabulous ladies did!! You will be seeing some new faces this week and you won't want to miss out on that!!! AND... did I mention that there is a prize to be won?! Would you like to see it?!
Can you say YUMMY?!! I thought you could!! This awesome prize is being donated by Purple Pumpkin!! If you have ever shopped there, you will know how hard it is to get the buttons... they sell out very quickly!! This is your chance to have some of these fabulous buttons without the stress of waiting in line!! Each time you enter a project, you get an entry into the drawing!! what are you waiting for?!!!! Get busy and make something!!!

Thanks for stopping by today and have a safe and fun weekend!!


li-bee-ti said...

This is absolutely gorgeous, Barb!
Your acrylic album looks great and that adorable layout is breathtaking. I love all those flowers you've placed on the photo and the title is perfect.

Jocelyn said...

Oh Barb.......I adore that is just filled with the most awesome details...I have so enjoyed looking at each and every part!!!

The acrylic is PERFECT!!!!!

Such a cutie pie!!

Thank you for the most uplifting comments that you leave for me....It warms my heart!!! I so wish we lived right across the street from one another!!!

Wishing you a wonderful weekend filled with tons of smiles!!! :-)

The Cropping Canuck said...

Another Friday and another FABULOUS project! TFS!

Dawnll said...

This is just so sweet. Your daughter will cherish this with all her friends before you moved.
Enjoy each time, she will grow really fast now. I feel like I blinked and my youngest is getting married.

Sandi Clarkson said...

Berb GF, that acrylic album is fantastic! I love working with acrylic but it can be challenging .. especially if you make mistakes like I do! This does not look like a jumbled mess. It looks soooooooooo inviting to open up and look through it all. You did a great job! Thansk for always inspiring!

Fern said...

OMGosh Barb, this album looks amazing!!! Perfect Title to go with that cute, cute, photo!! Looooove the bling you have goin' on here, the charm, the ribbon, it's all fab- u - lous!!!! This is something Lauren will cherish 4-ever!!
Hope you have a wonderful Friday!! We are a little chilly down here in our neck of the woods. I finally turned the heater on this morning just to get the chill out of the air.... Hugs!!!

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

if you will add this in your title bar your little birdie will show up. I just see the bottom of him...Jamie Layne shared that tip with me.

Now, onto your gorgeous work for this week!!!!! That acrylic album is fantastic. It is hard to photograph though. Love all the funky fresh colors you used and the yummy ribbons.
The layout is heavenly! I adore the garden and the pipe cleaner flower, did you make that one?
Kim xXx

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

if you will add this in your title bar your little birdie will show up. I just see the bottom of him...Jamie Layne shared that tip with me.

Now, onto your gorgeous work for this week!!!!! That acrylic album is fantastic. It is hard to photograph though. Love all the funky fresh colors you used and the yummy ribbons.
The layout is heavenly! I adore the garden and the pipe cleaner flower, did you make that one?
Kim xXx

Sheila aka SassyLady said...

The acrylic album is GREAT and they are so hard to do. Also I love the next layout with that precious innocent little face! Love them both. Thanks for sharing.

D said...

Your projects are gorgeous!!! I am in LOVE with your acryllic album cover! I love all the bling and colors!!! Your layout is adorable. What a sweet sweet face :))

Debbie Bakk said...

Your daughter is just so adorable-what a great photo. I just love all the different flowers-like the pipe cleaner one-might try that. This is a great challenge have a few oversize photos just sitting there waiting to be scrapped.

Nanne said...

Can't wait to see more of that mini your working on.. Love putting them together, they are just so much fun..
and she certainly is a little cutey in that photo :O) I miss my kids being small..

abusybee - DoubleClick Connections said...

Great lay-outs!! The details and bling are amazing!!

Audrey Frelx said...

Barb, your acrylic entry layout is beautiful!!! Love all the colors, and just everything about it!

Hanna said...

Oh my world, this is amazingly stunning, love both of your fabulous creations. Love your acrylic album, such a uniqe and lovely piece of art. So stunning and so filled with beautiful colours and stunningly made details.
And you LO is dreamy gorgeous, wow! So inspiring and adorable.

have a fab sunday!
hugs from Hanna

Susan Says (Stupid Stuff) said...

Both of your prejects are completely wonderful, and Lauren looks like an absolute star! :D

Debbie said...

Barb your acrylic album is incredible! Full of fun embellishments that any girl would love to have! The layout of Lauren is precious! Love those pipe cleaner flowers and the colors!

Angi Barrs said...

Such a cute acrylic album. They are so much fun to make. It's so cute and girly. Lauren's layout is adorable too. Great color choices:)

Anonymous said...

love love love it allllllllllllll!
missing you girly. I feel so out of the loop lately! but its okay b/c we've been having good family time! and my inlaws were just here and I leave on a trip this week...well geez, what am I doing online? LOL!
Anyways I REALLY love these projects, the first is AWESOME!!!!!
luv u!!!!!!

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