Apparently I am full of attitude these days because I received TWO of these awards this week!! I love it!! My entire family will confirm that some days, I do have a bit of an attitude!! But that's okay because I think a little attitude makes a person fun!! (That's my story and I am sticking to it!)
Here are the rules for receiving this award....
All I have to do is tell you 3 things that make me different and nominate 5 blogs. So here I go...
1. I am a germ freak! I can't take it when my kids reach their dirty little hands into a bag of chips! Yuck!!
2. I learned how to stain furniture last week! Yah... I know... I couldn't believe it either!! I stained our built in entertainment cabinet in our great room... and it looks great!! Who knew?!!
3. I love to shop! I know... not a big surprise there!! lol!!
I would like to pass this award on to....
1. Diana
2. Leah
3. Denise
4. Jocelyn
5. Sheila

This award comes with a fabulous $5 gift certificate from The Digi's with Attitude Store. Here are the directions for this award....
In order to qualify for the $5.00 Digi’s With Attitude! Gift Certificate you must state 3 things that makes you different from everyone else and you must nominate 5 blogs. Lastly, you must display the Blog Award Badge (above) in your sidebar and link it back to the Digi’s With Attitude! Challenge Blog.
Since the rules were pretty much the same for both awards (List 3 things about yourself and nominate 5 people) I am just going to do it once! (Besides, I would feel bad telling 5 people they get a chance to win a $5 certificate and not offer it to the other 5! I am kind of silly that way!!) I hope you are okay with that! So... all the lovely ladies who I gave the first award to, you also get the second one!! I know I am such a cheater!! Gotta love me anyway!! lol!!

Thanks for stopping by and visiting today!
Barb :)
I love a girl with attitude-makes us more memorable!
Fantastic you did a layout about yourself, now you can start a book for you.
Please girl you are not old at all, I got a few more years on you and can call you a baby!
Forty, holy cow you ARE old!! Old enough to be my daughter LOL Anyway, love your birthday LO. Seems like everyone snapped up that pp before I got any! We have soooo many birthdays in my family, I do a lot of b-day theme. So I;m always looking for cute bday paper! Loved reading about you .. keep the attitude .. makes you cute!
40 you are still a baby. I'm leaving 40, but they were fun. What a beautiful LO, I love that big frame in the middle. Great pictures you are a beautiful woman inside and out.
Thank you for the award, it was so nice to come here and see that, I'll post it tomorrow on my blog it's late and I can't think. But thank you, Who does not love a girl with attitude.
Gorgeous page and pictures! Happy to be back and able to visit.
Great lay-out! Your photos are fab! You deserve the award! :)
What a fun layout Barb!!! Love the way you framed the middle picture!!! And hey, there is nothing wrong with a little attitude!!! Love your layout!!! Hugs!!!
Oh Barb.... I love this LO...and may I say you are not getting old...you are just Beautiful!!! I love the pics and all the detail on the LO!!
Look at you with all these awards and thank you for passing one to me!!!!
Wishing you a GREAT Day!!! I just adore you!!!! :-)
40 is the new 25 my dear, and you are just gorgeous. Love your layout, you look so happy!
I think attitude is key to everything in life -- it adds the shading to how you perceive the events happening to you and the memory that lasts for years down the line.
Happy Birthday!
What a beautiful layout. Love all the baloons and how festive this looks.
Thanks for the attitude award! Yup I guess I got caught!
Love that fantastic frame in the centre of the page! Great layout!
What a CUTE birthday layout. The balloons and the paper make it all the more fun. Being 40 is terrific. Enjoy it :-)
Love your layout and you are just too adorable to be old!!!
Sorry, I missed saying happy 40th to you whenever it was!
Yes!! I love you attitued :))
And I love that frame arund the photo.I love the banner and the bloons. So happy and cheerful.
And no way you're old....
That is so nice! I love the paper that you used! I also LOVE the frame, I so got to try that!
Barb this is a wonderful interpretation of the sketch and those balloons were a great idea along with the framed photo in the centre. Thanks for playing along!
FAB LO!I love this range-i've used this range on my LO as well..
Barb - you look GREAT!!! 40 is fabulous you know!!! Great layout and so happy you appeared to have fun:)!
You may be 40 but you look like you are 30!!!! I hope I look that fabulous at 40!!! (Only 5 more years!) Thank you so much for this award sweetie. I actually came over here to see if you had gotten one and was going to give it to you!!!! Hilarious. I love your attitude girl :)
What a fantastic birthday page!!! I'm glad you took the time to scrap a page about yourself...it's so important to do that.
Love the blog!
I love your take on this months sketch, those balloons are fabulous!! and just so you know, you look AMAZING for 40! TFS
You look sooo prettyyyy in your layout! Love those pics! :) Oh, and you surely don't look your age AT ALL!
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